Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:36 Id: 154c9a No.93947 del
I saw something from you earlier. The Christians may not be entirely rotten as people, but the Kalergi Plan from Practical Idealism is only possible when the hosts have been Judaised. Christ would whip the merchants. His 21st century followers kneel to them.
As for me, I'm very alone in my beliefs, but instruct my family in my beliefs, pray every second of every day, and when questioned about my dastaar (turban) or sidearm (a 38 revolver and knife as kirpan), inform the public about my dress and beliefs.
God is the Truth. Constantly pray to it. That's the reason I joined the Khalsa. It truly made the most sense of any faith. When I experienced it, it made me yearn for further refuge from deceit. Then, a decade ago, I learned of the falsehood perpetrated against Hitler and his people. Now I not only sympathize with him as a reb against post modernity, but place him in a near religious, certainly heroic stature.
God bless Hitler. God Bless Endchan. God bless the Aryan race, keepers of the flames of Truth. Hail to all aforementioned. Hail to the Gurus!