Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 13:49 Id: 154c9a No.93948 del
>Sat (truth), the Aryan and noble races are the keepers of this. No other groups have ever been so capable of discovering and stumbling upon.
>Daya (compassion), the greatest tool for the Aryan peoples when used for their own, unfortunately has been corrupted by the Jew and his lackies.
>Santokh (contentment),the Aryan should exercise this as a means of continuing a hard work ethic, as God and Hitler watch over thee, and that should arise contentment.
>Nimrata (humility), is necessary to realize that man is not an atom unto himself but at the whim of the Truth, and a particle working with other particles of the Divine.
>Pyaar (love) This one is hard for me. I am so far in love with the Lord and his people (the Aryan) that George Lincoln Rockwell's view seems a bit silly. You don't hate ants for eating your discards, but must instead neutrally do what must be done. I love my house, so would be shamed to see parasites exist therein, and would love exterminating them.