Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 11:08 Id: a82bff No.94057 del
(316.56 KB 900x1200 Óðinn.jpg)
The Allfather - Odinn - the Aesir of many other names.
You better believe I'll kick you off this board just as easily for insulting his brave followers. As I just did with one imbecile.
Whitehouse cowards in charge of the nation fleeing from peaceful protestors. It's equally pathetic on both sides.
There were times when men fought for their heritage, their cultures, traditions, beliefs.
No bravery exists anymore, save the random retard public shooter whom accomplishes nothing.
No honor. No integrity. Kikes have made sure that time has passed. We exist now as a sad reflection of our ancestors.
So I want to appreciate men of the past who fought and died for their honor. Deal with it.

As I said before. Shitting on any religion besides Judaism or Satanism IS NOT ALLOWED
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 07/05/2024 (Fri) 11:16.