Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 11:30 Id: cc8648 No.94096 del
(1.29 MB 1600x1577 Frankfurt school.png)
(17.80 MB 400x300 AntiRacist Hitler.webm)
>Degenerate art, movies, musics, and other faggotry sap the vitality
>These things are also generally Trojan Horses for the Jews
Very true, though when through those the jews have convinced people to be their footsoldiers in the past, the present is catching up to them. By Israel remaining nationalistic and "racist" (the very term jews coined) but influencing our own people that it's bad - the fools have painted targets on themselves. Though I have to be honest. I wish we would infiltrate their societies and infect them with the same cultural, mental and societal cancers. One bonus is this. As apparent by the frequent jew spamming homosexual who's constantly banned here: Jews are not immune to their own degenerate Trojan horses.