The Age of Being Real, While Every Uniform and Cop is a Joke. Tardus 07/25/2024 (Thu) 12:28 Id: 56f9fa No.94197 del
Well for example, when I post its typically my real IP. So yeah option three.
I don't recommend using chanisms like "glowie" or "chad" or "incel", the plan is this from my perspective, castigate the chans and IB bullshit from moot the j rat cunt and jim whutkins and speak the truth and cause the Valkyries to gaze in your direction. Yes, braveness is what we are about. I haven't posted to end/pol for years because yeah IB community has not yet hung moot from a railroad trestle. IB are sewers and so this is a lucky day for you to get to ask me questions. Own the thread, make it live and sing. Tell us what the fuck you were gonna do behind tor. Are you scared of prison? I know I have been there for a short time and I would rather shoot it out with the cops than ever go again but thats just me.