Anonymous Board owner 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:44 Id: 9ab622 No.94204 del
(129.66 KB 579x500 Tor kikefags.jpg)
(233.39 KB 576x1289 Tor (2).jpg)
(185.81 KB 968x871 Tor jews.jpg)
OP, read these. "TOR" was intentionally a tongue in cheek reference to "Torah" because it's entirely ran, financed and flaws reported to letter agencies by jews. If you're a true National Socialist as implied by the flag, you'll shut the fuck up and stop complaining. If not, I'll be happy to ban you. As repeatedly as it takes. See >>>/endpolmeta/ if you think I'm not serious.

We don't support the works of kikes here.