Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 07:46 Id: bc6994 No.94455 del
>Shit that never happened
>Cherrypicked people who either trough blackmail or betryal changed sides just like that rat Speer or cannaris
>Says bullshit that never happened again
>Supposed allies of nato even despite the fact nato and warsaw pact never made hostilities ie cold war never happened and it was a coordinated subversion of world
>Ignoring the thing where even reds empliyed ex wehrmacht etc personell especially in DDR
>Ignoring the thing that ussr and israel were best buddy buddies forever despite arab wars

Hitler never signed haavara agreement and it wasnt even popular within nsdap either compared to madagaskar plan
Your strawmanns are as.pathetic as your advocacy of judeo bolshevism or even your urge to gaslight that klaus schwab was a leutenant general of OKW with that shopped picture

Red cope is not history