Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 19:44 Id: a9c01b No.94867 del
>I don't get what's the grand plan is at this point
Maybe the same thing as was done in ukraine where those who are forced to fight that feudal war think they fight for independence on UKR side and russians forced to ratniks that they fight for their lost territory and national interests when both fight for chabbad lubatevic seeking destabilisation for further lust for gain and speeding up the process of tikkun olam as slavs genetics can only be destroyed trough war and poverty

Same thing can be applied for middle east
(Rightfully) angry palestinians joining ranks of hamas to fight against few cannonfodders and low tier jews wanting to "defend their interests" when on larger scale the greater israel project is closer to reach by such destabilisation to the benefit of jews
Well while getting their own pond cleaned up from own vices they have inside by that

>But the UN is accepting Palestine in
But as i said and as they have it written in their own dementia ridden rules there are nations which can veto it no matter the majority decision
Which kinda when thinking about it now makes even decision itself irrelevant as nothing has weight

Despite me not being christian riddle me with this
When was in eden garden an diesel artificial womb located?