Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 18:30 Id: efbce7 No.94921 del
>What happened to our slice of the internet? Where can people go to get high engagement communities that aren't fully of psyops spamming and other government directed bullshit?
Many have retreated to fully gate-kept digital communities such as Discord, Telegram, and others, by necessity. The reason being is that a horde of glowies and shills (both paid and free) don't bother with disrupting or infiltrating high-traffic (or potential high-traffic) alternative open-ended communities not under their control anymore. Bot posting and hired poojeet shills are for controlled spaces like 4chan's /pol/.

Like what happened to budding communities like Frenschan, feds simply spam CP until the mediums are forced to close for legal, moral, and staff reasons or fall prey to blackmail if they resist efforts to shut down (look at this pentabytes worth of CP we found on your Windows 98 computer after our raids, etc.). I foresee a return however, on a positive note, if alternate Internet options gain ground.