Anonymous Board owner 10/17/2024 (Thu) 19:03 Id: a82bff No.94923 del
(87.75 KB 502x360 trumpcuck.jpg)
This right here shows every visitor to the board exactly what Trump is. I deleted a dumbass lazy thread about voting choices in the U.S. because I didn't want to have to start banning people for deciding between a nigger and a kike because Biden jew fucked up the entire country and managed to do the same to Europe during his Presidency.

Realize what has long been the truth: Shill kike Trump and you're breaking Rules 1 and 3. I don't give a fuck how popular he is among idiots right now, or that morons with short memories think he's a great alternative to the worst President of all time. Want to be a traitor and vote for a jew? That's your choice. Shut up about it or you will be banned. As equally as you would be if you shill nigger Kamala or jew Biden.