Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 05:21:21 No. 20 del
Greag Syszmanski
The investigative Journal
Leo Zagami talks about Current Events, WW3 and the Vatican 8-24-16
Added Aug 24, 2016

Topics: Immigrant influx from islamic countries, culture clash and civil unrest, loss of soveriegnty, European Union, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Refugee center kickbacks and donation skimming. Wikileaks, George Soros, Gypsies, Gypsie crime gangs, Itallian democratic party, media, propaganda, Donald Trump, globalism, muslims spitting on icons, Islamic non integration, nuclear war, preparations for nuclear attack telegraphed by european media, Communists, revolutionary coup in Turkey, Ataturk and Freemasonry, Islam and the Mhadi, Muslim freemasonry, Erdogan vs Fetullah Gullen, Obama, CIA, Clinton, CIA bases in Azerbijan, Turkmenistan, Fetullah Gulen schools. Russia helps Erdogan faction, NATO being pushed out of Turkey. Iran. Islamic Caliphate, NATO, Supreme allied command europe, SHAPE, Jesuits, Intereligious dialog, Turkey coup faliure. Orthodox christian meeting in Crete, patriarch Kiril. Eccumenical council of religions, one world religion. Child soliders, Istanbul terrorist. Father Paolo Dall'Oglio, Syrian Jesuit Priest, kidnapped by ISIS, actually runs ISIS as a military trainer. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, and Jesuit training, Loyola Spiritual Exercises, Mario Monti, Opus Dei.