Путин хуйло 08/05/2024 (Mon) 10:35 Id: 6e863e No.576676 del
According to Maltsov, all 38 people and 19 attackers at the embassy were killed in the attack. According to Vladimir Kosogovsky's archive, Griboyedov alone opened fire on the attackers, killing 18 people. Griboedov's body, the mystery of his death, may hardly have been revealed. [8] Nashi was taken to the Russian Empire and buried in a pantheon on Mount Mtatsminda in Tbilisi.

The remains of thirty-five Kazakhs defending the mission have been buried in a mass grave in the courtyard of the Holy Tatevos Armenian Church in Tehran. The land left over from the tomb was secretly removed at night and thrown out of the church. [1]

The massacre at the Tehran embassy sparked a diplomatic scandal. The king sent his grandson Khozrav Mirzah to St. Petersburg to regulate relations with Russia. His mission was to accept an apology for the ambassador's killing and ease the burden of compensation. [9] Among the rich gifts he presented to Russian Emperor Nicholas I was the famous "King" diamond. The massacre did not cause serious damage in relations between Russia and Iran, and compensation was suspended for five years. [1][9]

Nicholas I accepted the diamond and said: "I will forget the tragic Tehran incident forever." [10]