Путин хуйло 08/05/2024 (Mon) 10:52 Id: 6e863e No.576705 del
In May 1967, Nasser received false reports from the Soviet Union that Israel was massing on the Syrian border.[59] Nasser began massing his troops in two defensive lines[36] in the Sinai Peninsula on Israel's border (16 May), expelled the UNEF force from Gaza and Sinai (19 May) and took over UNEF positions at Sharm el-Sheikh, overlooking the Straits of Tiran.[60][61] Israel repeated declarations it had made in 1957 that any closure of the Straits would be considered an act of war, or justification for war,[62][63] but Nasser closed the Straits to Israeli shipping on 22–23 May.[64][65][66]