Путин хуйло 08/21/2024 (Wed) 14:27 Id: cf7fd3 No.598061 del
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>In 1985 a Serbian man from Kosovo (Đorđe Martinović) put a bottle in his anus and was rushed to the hospital where he said that two Albanian men attacked him and did that to him. Doctors in Belgrade from all of the six Yugoslav republics said that he couldn't do that himself and that he was attacked by at least 2 men. A month later they realised that he actually could do that to himself. People went crazy and started hating Albanians because they allegedly attacked an innocent Serbian man which led to a lot of ethnic tensions in Yugoslavia.

Лол. Всего одной бутылки в жопе хватило чтобы расколоть Югославию. Сколько нужно еще бутылок, чтобы поломать рашку?