Путин хуйло 09/04/2024 (Wed) 21:51 Id: 98c0e5 No.611422 del
Такое мнение от бразильского мелкобуквы видел.
twitter is not complying with brazilian law, as stated in the constitution, and within brazilian legal framework, the supreme court has the legal atribution of defining what is legal or not, juditiary branch of government is separeted from executive and the judge in question was appointed by a right wing president in 2016 , current one is left wing, so everything acording to the law, telegram had this issue in 2020, they comply and now they can operate, as will twitter after comply with a simple court order, wich is required to have a legal representative in brazil, there is no question if it can or cannot operate, it can, just need to have someone to be responsable for the company and comply with the law