Путин хуйло 09/30/2024 (Mon) 14:05 Id: 4861cb No.627948 del
(509.11 KB 1920x1357 FiZxLRYWQAEf7je.jpg)
Которые были интро с комментами:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=IHPXm_tJi4Q [Embed]

> this aged so poorly. but clearly this russia was more powerful then real life russia lol

> now it’s a joke. Russia would barely be able to attack Alaska let alone the entirety of the US and Europe

> Russian tanks role down the Champ Elysees
> French farmers: "its free realestate hon hon hon"

> This game and Battlefield Bad Company 2 told us the Russian military is invincible. This game alone made me admire the Russian Army. The Hunt for Red October told me the Soviet Navy was the most powerful because they built the largest nuclear submarines in history, the Typhoon.
> And Ace Combat 7 proved to me that Russian fighter jets are one of the best in the world.
> After their crushing defeat in Kherson, the sinking of the cruiser Slava, and the multiple incidents of Su-34s and even an Su-35 being shot down this year, I am left but with a broken heart.
> The Russian military in real life is a farce. They sound so badass on military radios but from what I've seen in Ukraine today, it's just saddening and disappointing.

> Russian army now: don't beat us, better piss

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