Anon 05/01/2024 (Wed) 03:26 No.10302 del
(103.49 KB 617x600 Madness.jpg)
> Well, it's two against one, so I guess my senses were wrong.
Don't be 100% dismissive towards your point of view just because of 2v1. A lot of closeness that would have been purely platonic often can be intended for shipping fuel. Had it been in Season 4 I might have agreed.

>I don't really know how close friends interact normally, so I accept that I may have just strongly misinterpreted it all.
Know this feeling to an extent, at least in personal IRL experience over the last 10 years.

>. I'm not watching like I used to, where each episode is a discrete package, I'm imagining the things inbetween the episodes, imagining the entire show as one singular continuous story (something which I don't think was ever really intended).
I find such things fun as well, btw. Overall... I need to get to how I treat show theories and such.

>which is where I somewhat agree with your point that the lesson in this episode is a bit janky in delivery, on reflection.
That is a good word for it. "Janky" fits better than hostile. Feels like something is missing or uneven.

>I didn't really know how to respond to it but I did see it, twas a fun april fool's
I am glad if you found any fun it, something of a tradition Dolores Umbridge and Nightmare Moon having done so in the past.

Alrighty, in a bit of a hurry so I'll be off for now.

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