Anon 05/18/2024 (Sat) 11:58 No.10376 del
>I have to mention though that the popular singles would so much more rewarding if the album accompanied it. I wasn´t fond on The Logical Song (Supertramp) until last year and listening to Breakfast in America entirely changed my mind completely about the band and the popular hit had more impact within its context in the album, so in a way, listening to those popular songs on your own when you want them to hear them...are more rewarding than randomly passing by.
Haven't heard that take on that 1979 album before ( ). I think I also wasn't too interested in the logical song. "Goodbye Stranger" is maybe the best of most popular track on that album.

5 years before then is the 1974 Pink Floyd song "Time" ( ) - if I didn't forget that I heard this, I'm surprised that I never heard this before.

More on music I recently listened to "Lane 8 - BBC Radio 1 - Essential Mix" and thought it was OK/good ( ).

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