Anon 05/20/2024 (Mon) 03:18 No.10380 del
I have casually seen this in Debian's repository before but have never tried it personally.
Maybe I'll give it a shot?

I am not the biggest expert in Fallout (my brother is a pretty big fan of the games) but from what I know about it:
>Reminds me of that one neoreactionary idea that democracy is incompatible with freedom
I am not sure it would be fair to say that democracy and it's assorted liberal values failed considering how hyper nationalist the US was before it's fall but this is still a interesting take nonetheless.

>So basically, side with the Legion because they are trying to set up a reactionary government (hopefully not a shitty one). Don't side with the NCR because they aren't trying anything "new".
I like reading perspectives like this and find your take interesting. I would make the argument that while the legion is a reactionary government (by some definition anyway ) it is relying too little on symbols and ideas that would be need to build a culture and a state within the a post apocalyptic US. The image and memory of Roam is powerful, and their is certainly a myth and history that you could built with that. Though within the crumbled remains of the US, you would have far less people who knew even the US' parts that were Roman influenced and would need to have some elements that drew upon the old United States or some cultures and figures from recently that would exist in the fragmented memory of whatever populous remained. Otherwise it is just something being imposed without roots. Something the communist had to deal with a lot the Soviet Union basically drawing on Russian nationalism and Church in certain awkward times. That doesn't mean it couldn't still succeed, but it is something that is a hindrance.

>Nazis are revolutionaries and not reactionaries,
Something a lot of people forget.

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