Anon 06/10/2024 (Mon) 02:33 No.10440 del
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Monarchy vs democracy I think is over simplified lens to look at the world, BUT, I do think it can still be interesting. Some places would be very hard to have a ruler because of the culture , other places might need one or one be inevitable. One place were I do support a monarchy is Afghanistan... that is a long rant on a US blunder for another time.

>The question kinda becomes this: would those with governing power (politicians/aristocrats/monarchs/governors) do politics/ruling/leading/serving/war any better if democracy was not involved.

>In the book "Democracy, the God that Failed" I think the author argues that the economics of a nation without democracy is better than one with democracy. Or at least other(s) make that argument.
I would wonder if partly command/partly capitalist economies score the best over both? Think United States during WWII or China now. They had/have the capacity to produce goods and put them towards national ends at a scale few can match. Now, the Old British Empire and Soviet Union do have some feats under their belts, albeit they both never got to the point of either the US or China.

>darkweb assassination
Didn't know of this one. Hehehe, last time I had seen this be talked about I recall there being no know darkweb assassinations.

>I knew all this years ago, but nice to have a video about it. Also mostly part of the deepweb (not findable by search engines): IPFS, Arweave, unindexed IA and YT things.
Same but agreed. This can be good for exampling things to people relatively simply as is one thing that is good for people to be more literate in.