Anon 06/12/2024 (Wed) 20:02 No.10445 del
I basically searched Twibooru for this:
("human on pony action" OR "pony on human action") + "ai generated" + ("futa" OR "gay")

I found only a small amount of search results.

> always redirecting to
Also unfortunate: has been redirecting to for ~weeks now. For example, this file which was deleted off of due to getting too many "bad" comments:

CF gateways are basically all redirects now, so those are "no longer a thing". Users sometimes dislike CloudFlare for the right reasons, and sometimes for the wrong reasons. I can see Clownflare having less of a presence as being a positive. For example, when Cloudflare goes down (in the past/future) there was a big Internet blackout. That's one of the bad things about stuff being so heavily centralized. Crimeflare - criticisms of Cuckflare and whatever:
>You cannot pass this invasive “browser check” without enabling JavaScript. This is a waste of five(or more) seconds of your valuable life.
>Do you really think Cloudflare has 100% uptime? You have no idea how many times Cloudflare goes down. If Cloudflare goes down, your customer cannot access your website.

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