Anon 06/22/2024 (Sat) 16:27 No.10522 del
(61.18 KB 1920x2463 fancy_winona.png)
(43.52 KB 1920x1728 pinkie_diamond.png)
(56.75 KB 1920x1809 zecora_sombra.png)
(43.98 KB 1920x2159 gummy_vinyl.png)
(32.22 KB 1920x1245 nmm_blueblood.png)
I grabbed those 2704 online image files. I used this simple code and stuff (nested while loop):
>$ a=(twilight rarity applejack rainbow flutter pinkie spike sweetie scoot abloom babs celestia luna cadence twilight_p bigmac shining blueblood braeburn fancy zecora nmm chrys sombra lightning sunset trixie gilda discord Dolores Dolores2 diamond silver cheerilee granny spitfire fleur bonbon lyra derpy doctor golden octavia vinyl vinyl2 angel opal gummy owl tank winona faust); n=0; while [[ $n -lt 52 ]]; do i=0; while [[ $i -lt 52 ]]; do echo ${a[$n]}_${a[i]}; i=$(expr $i + 1); done; n=$(expr $n + 1); done > ponyfusn.txt

>$ utc; grab-site --input-file=ponyfusn.txt 1>fusion.ponyar.net_1.txt 2>fusion.ponyar.net_2.txt; utc
>$ # HTTP 200 on all of them
>$ utc; python3 -m warcat extract /zc/warc/; utc
>$ # 5 random images from "find /zc/warc/ | sort -R | head -n5"
This software: - linked from

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