Anon 06/22/2024 (Sat) 21:34 No.10524 del
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Look at me. I'm the teacher now.

>merging repos
As planned, I have been repinning hundreds of things from a saved list + datastore/*.ldb files. I had problems pinning large folders in the past, but not in the past week. I could repinned this, which has >250,000 nodes:
>$ ipfs files stat /ipfs/bafybeifjvpxzl5njrvmqumt3g4vmzdrtcz5pzdt7jkovwlrhm4q4sh5bpy
>[...]CumulativeSize: 447979958926
>[...]Type: directory
>$ # which is "[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale" and like 448 GB
Only "bad thing that happened" was my ipfs daemon got oomd'd when securing that ~500 GB folder again; also when doing that, free memory dropped to ~200 and ~150 MiB out of like 4 GB of RAM total. Repinned as part of this specific command:
$ grep -n "$" /zc/zctomerge1205.txt | sed "s/ .*//g" | \
sort -r | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo == $args; \
ipfs pin add --progress $(echo $args | sed "s/.*://g"); done' _