Anon 06/25/2024 (Tue) 23:44 No.10556 del
(2.82 MB 2000x4300 twibooru-1874722.png)
(3.34 MB 2000x4300 twibooru-2058804.png)
How long does it take to organize many files and folders? It takes hours over days. Some of what I did recently - Here's some MLP FIM episodes that were broadcast in 4:3 (video files that I dl'd years ago):

I added that to MFS root:

Can't mount IPFS when offline:
>$ fusermount -u /ipfs; fusermount -u /ipns; ipfs --offline daemon --mount &
>[1] 3295893
>$ Initializing daemon...
>Kubo version: 0.23.0[...]Golang version: go1.21.1[...]Swarm not listening, running in offline mode.
>RPC API server listening on /ip4/[...]WebUI:
>[...]Error: mount is not currently supported in offline mode[...]
>[1]+ Exit 1 ipfs --offline daemon --mount
>$ # Offline mode would be faster in some cases.

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