Anon 06/26/2024 (Wed) 02:31 No.10558 del
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>Both of us are not too familiar with the fandom on Twitter, so I was hoping that someone here already has such a list they'd be willing to share.
I, Bridgefag, am still here (even if medical stuff going on ATM) As for a twitter list, actually have searched for that some in the past. Have yet to find anything useful unfortunately.

>No I mean there used to be other users frequenting the /go/ thread. Last time I was here they were still on the first thread.
Wait, are you YT Comments anon or the other lurker that sometimes popped up?

By my own estimation, there has been two to three contributors this year. Some anons just come up once or twice with something (an anon who has connections to the archive team has been present sporadically this year last thread, for example). Usually though, it has been one or two anons driving the thread.

There was an attempt to archive stuff that was related to derpi that was spun off that some anons here were involved in. That is where I recall problems with wayback machine. Someone archived 100 pages or so and nothing went through if I recall correctly.

Yeah, wayback hasn't been the most reliable.