Anon 06/26/2024 (Wed) 14:13 No.10561 del
I (probably) had another thermal shutdown with HPC, even though it was running in low-power mode! This is what can happen if you run an "antique" computer (which was high-end for its time in the 2000s). Also didn't help that it was running in an area that was already too hot (uncomfortably above room temperature).

>merged (probably terabytes): /zc/tomerge -> /zc/ipfs
138 GB of blocks were already in ./ipfs even though ./tomerge had mostly unique data (at least I think each pin was unique). Kinda interesting to see dedup info.

>1st image
I think that anon is confusing reactionary values with fascist ones, especially because Equestria is lead by a reactionary/traditional government.

>2nd image
Can't not read that in Applejack's voice.

More from that set: incl. "Only one Granny Smith clop".


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