Anon 06/27/2024 (Thu) 13:40 No.10567 del
>Right now, Twitter can be scraped using a spare account and gallery-dl:
I think that only works on links to specific tweets (or images?), and not an account as a whole:
>$ gallery-dl
>[gallery-dl][error] Unsupported URL '‘
>$ # create a config file: "gallery-dl --config-create"
Put user+pass in said config.json:
. ipfs://bafkreia6ddwrcejavxxwx5qfzjfj6abkfe45usc3awph3gp52gqsachr4y

Pull IPFS CIDs out of a text file or webpage:
. 46 characters: /Qm\S\{44}/. Example: QmTnVURkaCP7fpm4aEzdNw5wVtzyQ3knZcF7vdSy9NZ1Dd - a peer ID
. bafybeiehbzkprm7iuuqgxmtucodi2rmb3d2kheyyekw3t65hhlxu7phddq - "old folder", MLP official artist KatieCanDraw)
. bafkreibrqmcxpmrp5gcv5zw3uchfung5d76msn7e6y7l32wdmutfvylz6i - rage comic, "Everythihng went better than expected")
. 59 characters on both of those, find them: /bafyb\S\{54}/ and /bafk\S\{55}/

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