Anon 06/27/2024 (Thu) 18:27 No.10569 del
>have been copying CIDs from one computer to another (in both directions)...
Other direction - nice method to redundantly pin certain things via 2 computers/HDDs (shows the size, contents, can add to ignore list):
$ b=bafybeiabl4pi3fy6eil56skvmlqipqumxgutdpehayuyfo3nmkftsbne4e
$ a=134; ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | grep -v "$b" | sed "s/ .*//g" | sort | tail -n+$a | n=$a xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $n; ipfs files stat /ipfs/$args; ipfs ls -s $args | head; ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/path; ipfs pin add --progress $args"; echo ======; echo; n=$(expr $n + 1); done' _ # increase a=
$ read -p ":" h; b="$b$(echo -n "\|$h")"; echo "$b" # enter a CID to skip
$ # run "a=1...", then run "read...", then run "a=1...", etc.
Some videos/img that I saw along the way:
. Twilight Sparkle tongue my anus
. IRL dog and pony show
. cartoon/3DCG dog
. etc.

>would be better if it wasn't vore+inflation
Rather, that image would be better if there was also a version of it which was neither vore nor inflation.

>>10561 >>10560 (identical post text/body)
How would I throttle CPU(s) without rebooting or messing with the BIOS? Some nonanswer(s) here:

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