Anon 07/01/2024 (Mon) 19:47 No.10583 del
Before I forget, animated cartoon horse in season 2 of shitty cyberpunk series "Altered Carbon" (positives: has it's moments or kinda makes you think). That unicorn was first seen in season 1 of that series. Season 1 was shit, but better than season 2; I basically dropped that series (which was cancelled) at S02E02 or S02E03. In that book-based series/universe, instead of "Hello Kitty" it's "Hello Unicorn".

>The PC that keeps shutting down, the HP one?
HPC is the one that had multiple thermal shutdowns; I think I can operate that older computer now without that happening again. (HPC = not main computer and not LPC.)

Neat, so IPFS can function as the underlying read-only storage for qBittorrent and other BitTorrent clients. (I wish that IPFS could be mounted in offline mode though >>10556.) Speaking of, can't find the article right now, but it basically said that BitTorrent, Inc. tried to make their own maybe-torrent-related/focused IPFS thing, and basically ripped off or stole Protocol Labs's logo (picrel). Lulz.

Unwanted markup. Original (didn't have \n though):

>can recursively open and address archive files
I think I can FUSE-mount a thing within a FUSE mount. Test:
>$ archivemount /ipfs/QmYKQHEYePN4Yf9g6a2hNA54APyNu8Bd4tVwKMWSBhkn6g/MLK_AC2.iso /mnt/z

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