Anon 07/01/2024 (Mon) 20:31 No.10584 del
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On one of my devices, is "blocking" me - =
>Welcome to nginx!
>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.
>For online documentation and support please refer to
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>Thank you for using nginx.
Deleted a cookie of's at brave://settings/content/all = did nothing. How do I fix this? I can use in other computers on the same LAN without seeing any nginx-not-configured page.

>recursively mounted
Mounted 3 layers deep:
>repo at /zc/ipfs/ -> FUSE-mounted /ipfs/ includes ./QmYKQHEYePN4Yf9g6a2hNA54APyNu8Bd4tVwKMWSBhkn6g/MLK_AC2.iso
>QmYK...kn6g/MLK_AC2.iso -> gnome-disk-image-mounter-mounted at /media/ubuntu/MLK_AC2/
>Took like 10 seconds: "$ archivemount -o formatraw ./MLK_AC2/Binaries/Installers/Mac\ OS\ X/ /mnt/z"
>Remounted as "archivemount ./MLK_..." because formatraw just showed one file.

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