Anon 07/08/2024 (Mon) 05:46 No.10633 del
(6.) More about how he didn't go into detail.
(6a.) Here's a detail for you: the story is contrived. Not so much the case with prior seasons.
(7.) Says taking extremes of different sides is fine.
(7a.) However, it's a misrepresentation of reality. If the show really wants to make an argument, then it's showing some cartoony straw-man Marxist projection of the right-wing. And what does that say about the political beliefs of the creator? Satire works based on the level of seriousness. The show tries to be serious, but presents this nonsense. If the show was wacky nonsense+comedy then such a dumb cartoony representation could be seen as valid. Otherwise, it's stupid postmodern crap.
(8.) Says absolutes = wrong.
(8a.) Nitpick, corner cases.
(9.) Season 4 is just like the previous seasons in terms of it's focus.
(9a.) Wrong. Before then the main focus was the story, and a side-focus was politics. With season 4 the politics is about as important or the focus compared to the story, and it fails when doing that.
(10.) Something about it being on-the-nose or not.
(10a.) There was like one scene where the right was criticized that I thought was kinda funny/interesting, other than that, fail.
(11.) Blatant political messaging and lecturing is dumb (it's not entertaining), but that doesn't apply to this show.
(11a.) Wrong.


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