Anon 07/21/2024 (Sun) 05:29 No.10707 del
Much better review than mine (not that there is a contest!).

>The opening did not disappoint as I love cold, grey days, and the lampposts dotted around this sort of parkland-area of Ponyville had a nice contrasting glow against the clouds, reminding me of the sort of grey sunsets that happen here where the sun is not visible but it’s still just lighting up the sky, and the lampposts come on. Moments like that are so irresistably comfy to me that I’ll often dash out for a walk, even if it’s well past my bedtime.
Are you me (x2)? For me, I find such moments haunting, though comfiness is a secondary thing present, but yes, a similar draw exists.

>The episode sets up the slightly petty conflict in a way that I found somewhat believable, which passed my notice at first, but I was thinking to myself that I feel like I’ve seen this sort of argument done before all over the place, but annoying and blown out of proportion. Compared to other shows, this toed the line quite nicely, and though I obviously think Applejack’s being more rational, I’m not annoyed or perplexed by Rarity’s perspective either.
Agreed. Actually, I can say with confidence I saw an entire social circle fall apart over stupider stuff.

I am aware of the theory and have always been neutral on it.

It is weird though that ponies would have a lot of objects they can't manipulate with their own mouths/hooves otherwise. What I have seen, usually in fanfics, explanations like, "oh, they import a lot of industrial goods from Griffons/someone else who has fingers and thumbs" or "Nope, elements like that are made just for human convenience as us as viewers, and thus should be ignored in prosper world building" (I especially dislike this second stance). I am the type of person who doesn't care as strongly for an explanation on that-maybe magic field-but I'm not against suction cups theory.

>I did like the marshmallow pony theory back in the day.
Haven't heard that mentioned in a long time!

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