Anon 07/28/2024 (Sun) 01:20 No.10746 del
>>Banned off of
I can add that to a list of websites that banned me, which includes:
. Informational -> temp or permabanned - fuck them, I didn't have a chance to change a thing to make that ban less likely
. Wiki -> Wikipedia: permabanned, and IIRC I was temp banned there one or more times
. Wiki -> RationalWiki: I think I was temp banned there
. Wiki -> / don't think I was banned, but a wiki I created there got deleted - fuck them
. Wiki -> Metapedia: temp/permabanned - fuck those chuds
. Wiki -> Encyclopedia Dramatica: hard to remember, maybe I got banned there too
. Imageboard -> 4chan: temp banned multiple times, permabanned, and I'm not banned now but have been temp banned multiple times this year or this year+previous year
. Imageboard -> Derpibooru: temp banned multiple times, permabanned
. Imageboard -> temp banned
. Imageboard -> 7chan: temp banned multiple times (maybe was permabanned, but I really don't remember)
. Textboard -> temp banned
. Textboard -> or whatever the domain name was: temp/permabanned off of that Spanish/Non-Eng site
. Textboard -> not sure if I was ever banned, but I know that they deleted my posts one or more times, so fuck them
. Video games -> Roblox and zero or more other games: temp banned, but video game bans don't really matter

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