Anon 09/22/2024 (Sun) 06:08 No.11139 del
Do you scan stuff with a scanner or camera? Take a bunch of JPG or PNG files and put them into a PDF:
>$ ls -1 | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do convert $args $args.pdf; done' _ # makes a PDF version of all Images in current folder
>$ pdftk *.pdf cat output file.pdf # create PDF from multiple PDF files

I know of at least one printed MLP media/thing which hasn't be digitized.

>Are you able to open/view/access the following image file? [link]
Minutes ago:
>http status, type, size, method, url
>500, text/plain, 13, GET, ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:81/ipfs/QmfGiwuMqoZsYQymHXzwAR2gZKUopwP9dzEhRikM1wKXJ5/a/root/image/titled/QmVDymVqNRwADtek9rBiW67LcyeNpvMXgRY8szyZ2SM9U8/Album_art_of_Forever_Broken/IMG_3543.PNG
>500, text/plain, 13, GET, ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:81/favicon.ico
IDK what the 13-byte text said. That site could server a JPG no-problem, but for some reason that PNG isn't completely accessible.

>An iDevice (smartphone) perceived and categorized a clop image as "Food" and "Art". However, there's no food depicted in that sexy image. It must have looked at Pinkie Pie's ponut and saw a pink donut
Regarding pic related ( ipfs://Qme2xJScANQj5EZLgbnuMH6rspJiwbWLaZukPgMyj5aFEm ). [Something I considered writing here.]