Anon 09/27/2024 (Fri) 19:35 No.11160 del
>File /ipfs/QmSRkSqysGEYA38vkDLVZfeHPjW1PVgDrsycZv5tuT7Mw3
Duplicated remotely, maybe again

I can implement this IPv6 fix into various YT downloaders of mine.

And some MP4 files don't play in certain devices (due to an A/V codec in them), so IA does this:
>My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - Season 7 Episode 17 - To Change a Changeling.mp4
>My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - Season 7 Episode 17 - To Change a Changeling.ia.mp4

A neutral alternative would be "file.mp4"+"file.d.mp4" or "./file.mp4" + "../derived/file.mp4". With the latter (name/name/file.mp4 + name/derived/name/file.mp4) it might be unclear as to which one is the derived one, so one could also name it derived/name/file.d.mp4

>Mistake (only obtained the CIDs)
Actually have that data this time:

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