Anon 10/03/2024 (Thu) 12:20 No.11178 del
(typos even though I read that post like twice before posting)
*then that would be cool
*some other pieces of metadata

Last issues related to that were from late 2023:

>What I want qBittorrent to be able to do:...
So if it had the ability to pause "checking resume data" what would I do then? I would pause those My Little Pony-related torrents which have hundreds/tens of thousands of files and just not seed them. I would only seed the IPFS version of them. I might let it work on that checking resume data task when I see fit, and not what the program thinks is a good time to do it. What does "checking resume data" even mean? I think it means that it does this: looks at every single path (to a folder/file) in the save location of the torrent torrent to see that it exists, might also check the size of every item. IPFS is probably/certainly slower than plain ZFS, so statting more than 100,000 files+folders takes too long and uses too much memory if not trying to do it one at a time.

>Modify qBittorrent's code then compile my custom version.
>understanding someone else's large codebase
Makes me want to kill myself every time I look at such things. I'm now looking at this

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