Anon 10/15/2024 (Tue) 07:23 No.11217 del
(340.73 KB 973x900 1pfp2.img.png)
Downloading that channel. Might be a dumb one. Has MLP fanfic readings such as this (incl. OC and a bad audio quality):

>(1.) offline export+import (ssh)
>(2.) online export+import (no ssh)
>(3.) rsync over ssh+do whatever
there's a fourth method:
>(4.) method (1) and/or (2) but do it in smaller chunks and maybe also copy to MFS
Most I've copied at a time with method...
. (1): like 40 GB
. (2): 231.52 GiB (191h48m43s, ~230 GiB, 351.56 KiB/s, like 8 days, around 29 GiB/day); may have went faster if send and/or receive buffers were larger. ipfs daemon got killed before pinning the "huge" >220 GB folder in this method; also observed: "ps -ef | grep ipfs" was daemon+export+import and it became daemon+import, so the export task finished but the import task didn't finish before getting oom-killed
. (4): 265,205,892,766 bytes, assuming DVDs at http://5d6zyscsdarzytpbi3mypv37uoaro2to7oqru4a3oga42bwt3jkof4qd.onion:8080/ipfs/bafybeiat5qb276e3wtbaw7624cut2k5hd7n5wta45rfsxoa7aseznzjfuu have a deduplicated size of >232 GiB

Run this for (4):

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