Anon 10/15/2024 (Tue) 17:35 No.11219 del
ipfs://bafybeigl4amhekkcqnan7nlpxwgwgbwmsjcjqsqzs4pif5zr4vlghkqco4 contains MLP WARCs, MLP videos, other files. It's being copied to HPC. I was looking at some files in there (picrel):

I was thinking about some ways to see the full-sized versions of those images, so I looked at this 1.2-terabyte folder (mostly not created by me):

That directory is great, but it doesn't contain paths which 100% correspond to 4chan archive paths. I could probably eventually reorganized it in an automated way to match with those paths.

>invalidated bencoding
Fixed. I replace /ipfs/_b... and /ipfs/_Q... with /ipfs/x... (removed starting "_" and replaced first character of CID with "x") so that the save path character count matched to what it was before. Those 8 torrents now show up in qBittorrent, with mostly no problems that matter to me now.
>use case: valid+valid
Done. Replaced
>12:qBt-savePath19:/z9/t/pony/web_raws14:qBt-seedStatus ---> 12:qBt-savePath52:/ipfs/QmPV584mGFYPPgAwXLEe1Kgh2H4jVcqnw8YrvRB2f9VE2v14:qBt-seedStatus

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