archive check shell script ("") does this >>11249: >check if a URL was captured as a WARC before or not. Need to write the CGI API for that code and stuff. "Done": . Only works on NoFetch IPFS GWs . Kubo RPC API says it can do every CLI command, but can it do "ipfs --offline [...]"? . For my modified version of said RPC API: the endpoint /api/v0/add adds via a file, I could make /api/v0/addpipe which adds text or data via stdin
Other thing to do with Wayback Machine replacement arc*.sh: better indexing (it's currently only immediately well indexed in one computer).
>>11258 >downloaded half of that Dropbox folder as WARCs For some reason this one Dropbox link gave me a ZIP file containing all of those anonfilly audio files; WARC of that: >{"Name":"","Hash":"bafkreidowuiee3vbe32dgvrahsokow7oryypnlfnwwolfjhiisvkjzqdzy","Size":"1292"}