Anon 04/16/2018 (Mon) 21:57:25 No.1229 del
>You can't be losing count again Cadence.
Or your mind little princess. The count for theft is nothing in comparison to the bat "evolution"
>It seemed each time she ventured out she had a harder time controling herself.
>This was one of Twilight's friends. She shouldn't be stealing from her like this.
What would Celestia think about her?
>she was a very disiplined and controled mare. A skill that had been honed by years of Celestia's guidence.
At least, the good values prevail for now.
>she didn't feel a maveloence with it. It didn't feel dark to her. It didn't feel like she was becoming corrupted.
>Just very very hungery.
While my reactions are conflicted about not seemingly dark.... I must say that she doesn´t offer the best impressions for such acts. She doesn´t harm anyone else and just need to feed herself. However, that´s like justifying the same actions from Flutteshy in Bats

Tbh it has not turned that edgy andf in fact, you admit it that it isn´t actually edgy. However, it seems heavily implied if you compare the fruit with meat or blood. The two factors that prevent Cadence from being a full psychopath is harming ponies and the fact that she has values of ordering her things.
Although hungery does lead into terrible decisions. That´s why it´s not edgy, just subtle or could be if it was a different context. It makes Chrysalis look like an angel.

You have taken literally my line as a full story. I honestly didn´t expect that when I was only describing Derpy´s image.