L23 06/03/2018 (Sun) 23:44:13 No.1486 del
and I guess that I am tired tonight.

I haven´t written such a long fic for two hours since the Midnight Radiance one.

Sorry for putting the ending before more concepts with the bats but I couldn´t avoid seeing and planning the ending first.

I have ended up repeating the same patterns as the rest, writing about Friendship is Magic.

I can leave the room open for those who want to write stories about bats and it certainly serves to shoehorn them and explain why in the Radiance fic, normal ponies appeared. Bats lived in better conditions after landing into Equestria with Celestia´s approval, guided by Luna during some nights and then, independent.

What else can I say? I have seen how the fight in /mlp/ between these two ended and had threads about them together. I may not have watched the golden era, but I have witnessed when the fandom gave up on elitism to see who is better and assumed that both need each other.

Luna was treated as the special one but now the number of pictures between the two has been balanced over the years.
The hitting part of this fic was listening to that heartfelt chorus and both sisters realizing that they are all they can see. If they die, they die together. If they reign, they will do it together.

I like favoritism and subjectivity but I guess, seeing these two together fighting for little things between each other feels more complete or natural than putting the world into chaos.

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