Anon 08/25/2018 (Sat) 00:14:28 No.1916 del
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>Like everything, contrast has to exist. Season 8 stopped me from thinking about how to worry about fan content and more about the direction of the franchise, it has something going on. I didn´t know what direction to take either.
I am both hopeful and a little cornered at the same time.

>It´s overtly happier because I have a clearer vision on how I should take the next steps. Keep in mind that our actions define a lot more than you would expect.
Agreed. Now it the /end/ doesn't feel like some bizarre experiment or a waste of time. More stable, less uncertainty, though such foundation doesn't mean darkness is gone a thematic around here...

> Just wait until September or October and you will notice a different mood.
October is a month where I go into a little melancholy mixed with self reflective observation and a bit of a dark ambient do to nightmare night, so yeah, you may see some in me as well.

>I have to check myself with frequency so I can point out what should be working despite not having restrictions at all. It´s funny, I have a lot restrictions yet I am planning some patterns to define a route everybody could follow. Copying /mlp/ or 8chan completely would turn out to be a mistake so I have to find something outside the usual traditions or twist them a bit.
Agree on not copying 8/pone or /mlp/. This place is already going its own askew direction and it already has spawned interesting concepts.

>It is and it frighten me because we look like very different people with those posts.
It really does. I know that I was reserved because i usually am a lurker more than an active participant in things--boy that is a difference right there.

> so I had the liberty to post whatever and voila, I had the objective to boost this board to the first page with 300 posts so it would get noticed in this site. Oh boy, that escalated quickly.

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