Anon 09/03/2018 (Mon) 08:56:00 No.1972 del
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"I can explain. My questions are indeed deep. I don't reveal the truth, just help others find it."
>Twilight gazed at the interloper with an expression that was a mix of apathy and annoyance.
>...though that merely concealed her true emotion, contempt. Hatred
>"That wasn't a very good answer."
>"That was far too vague."
"I am here merely too advertise my services miss..."
>"You are truly a fool."
"What do you mean? Did I insult you somehow? I do sincerely apologize. Judging by all the ponies around you you seem like sonepony important."
>"Somepony who would kill you to prevent such dark secrets being revealed to anypony. To anyone..."
"What do you mean by all this business of hiding the truth? Burring beneath. You seem dead set on hiding what needs to be uncovered: the exact type of creature who needs my services."
>"No... no. I am not anything of the sort. And you have revealed enough of your nature to me to make judgement on your fate; you shall not walk away alive.'
"why do you hide from the truth? Why do you wish to hide from what sets you free?"
>"Haven't you been paying attention? Have you not looked before you own eyes?'
>"All of this is the result of the truth."
>"Lies are better, especially when they keep pones safe and alive.'
>"Do you not see the evil in the eyes of the ponies around you?"

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