Anon 11/09/2018 (Fri) 23:41:32 No.2487 del
>I would describe myself as someone who was raised in the shadow of a progfag with some other mixed in, but I think what your said still applies.
well, it was the most obvious idea I had in my mind. Not that accurate but a general impression of what I should share.

Pure of the most polarizing records of 2017 because of the political situation. The Democrats found him and gave him fame in order to use his message as an Anti Trump weapon. And that´s obvious, you can notice in the self titled track video that he criticizes him (and USA in general) so that would trigger the republicans. However, he criticizes everything, even his own character, the huge amounts of ironies and pretentious messages thrown around there is ridiculous, so the democrats haven´t praised him that much either and some of them just left a fuck you to him as well. Don´t even try to mention it on /mu/ because he´s considered as a nihilistic prick.

Here in Spain (and maybe Europe in general)has praised that record a lot and rarely ratings were down below 8 and ended up in several AOTY lists. I am used to listening to piano rock and Beatles/Elton John stuff so it´s a familiar territory to deal with for me.

There are lyrics like:
(Pure Comedy)
<The comedy of man starts like this.Our brains are way too big for our mother's hips
<Oh, their religions are the best.They worship themselves yet they're totally obsessed. With risen zombies, celestial virgins, magic tricks, these unbelievable outfits and they get terribly upset. When you question their sacred texts,written by woman-hating epileptics

(Ballad of the Dying Man)
<Eventually the dying man takes his final breath but first checks his news feed to see what he's 'bout to miss.And it occurs to him a little late in the game,we leave as clueless as we came. For the rented heavens to the shadows in the cave.We'll all be wrong someday

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