Anon 11/22/2018 (Thu) 23:24:52 No.2608 del
>imagine being this self-centered
>oh noes what will the artist do without your precious like
it´s a form to manifest and express that something is going wrong with it and try to figure it out.

I express opinions because this is a tiny board that needs something, so I prefer other artists before those who are that self centered, having preferences and expressing taste. If you don´t like it, I am sorry I can´t do anything but your word vs mine arguments all the time.

>at least it isn't used as OP at least there is some good from this all self importance
that´s an achievement coming from a random user. I´ll take that as a compliment because you know, always having a negative attitude has always worked....

even though I am a bit fed of that mindset these days in general. Certain amounts of hate are fine, too much tires me even though I expect it.

>lmao this pic is shit anyway
20 upvotes, not that popular. The edit thread was made for 2nd hand pictures and recycling unused content that could potentially work, considering that it´s trying to find some identity.

Call it a trash idea but you know, trying to find a 2nd chance on something is a process that not many would like to go in and try. Far from the straight and the narrow any perfectionist user would like, but it´s different from what we usually see in the main chan and call shit at things all the time.

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