Anon 12/06/2018 (Thu) 08:45:19 No.2731 del
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>oh boy, what backstory happened over there? were bronies fans of Sonic and imitated all the shitty shitty stuff from DA? I was browsing around 2011 but I only noticed how the thing works for the Sonic fandom.
Sonic fandom crossover was an influence, but there were several factors at play. Biggest were: adolescent, coming of age cringe (Sonic and DA in general). Many people in this fandom got there start in art entirely do to ponies. And ponies are easy to draw, that skill doesn't translate well for the human parts. You had some real wonky portions, things looking just off, pony head grafted to human body, etc. Then there was also the cringe of fetishism, awkwardly sexualized combined on top of that.