Anon 01/03/2019 (Thu) 23:40:31 No.3114 del
(102.41 KB 1464x563 30 mil GET 2.PNG)

Okay, I had thought I didn´t have the pictures saved in the computer and I was trying to download app in order to recover the screencaps made back then. Fortunately enough, I am relieved to have found them.I could have used the thumbnails but that would be too cheap, not to mention that there is a detail I want to bring up.

You can notice already which GET I had got back then. Nope, not the 30 million one but the previous post to it.

The 29999999 GET was made on mobile and if I knew that it was going to happen, I would have posted my favorite character instead or something.
Anyway, I was always obsessed in checking the activity of /mlp/ manually because I was checking if the board would get its 5000 daily posts and the usual activity, not going downhill and have a consistent rhythm all the time. There were times in the past in which I artificially boosted a bit the activity with mindless shitposts in order to accomplish the number.

So eventually, I made my calculations and predicted when the board would reach the important ones. All of this while I had a period in which I used the mobile completely for 4chan and there was the Version 1.0 of the CAPTCHA when you had to write two words and it was almost instant to shitposts whatever thing you wanted.

So that brings us to this GET. I was kind of sick of seeing that image getting spammed around the catalog and how annoying (after a few months of that, it calmed down a bit even if it´s still around as your typical IWTCIRD shitpost for Dolores)
So, when I saw that, I calculated a bit and just made a short reply by quoting that shitposter. If I replied with an image, I wouldn´t have achieved the same results because of the little lag of uploading an image.

When I saw that I got the GET, I was laughing at myself for half an hour entirely, even while I was having lunch. My family didn´t undertand why I was laughing so much and I just said to them that it was almost like I had won the lottery, getting the 2nd prize.

I immediately screencapped it on the mobile and kept it like a gem because that happens once in a lifetime. Now, I may have used an editor for the images in the edit thread but I don´t know how to use the Photoshop for adding fake (You)s to the images like other anons do for revealing samefags.

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