Anon 01/12/2019 (Sat) 23:45:24 No.3195 del
>this spoilers nothing about the other fics
unless your fics have some sort of plot device for using teleport, I doubtfully think that it has anything to do with such material in the first place.

>the short but in my opinion superior version.
yep, it causes more impact but it gets a little bit tiring to watch after a while.

>stacking the supernova effect in gimp over ontop each other and making it slightly larger each time, so it isn't high wizardly powers but just novel primitive messing around.

>inb4 replying with the image macro of AJ asking: are you a wizard?
one step closer to animating the magical effects in the show and get a contract from any animated series.

looks like one of those games from the early 80s. Not sure if that´s a compliment. Still, you have to be really crappy to make that vector unenjoyable.


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