Anon 01/14/2019 (Mon) 21:47:12 No.3218 del
(824.80 KB 2523x1983 1654831 pc+ mobile edit.jpg)
>My first thought was how darkening and inversion of color is often used in edgy art of tweens and teens
yeah, in fact, I see those edits Derpibooru approved when they are about the show but not when they are about a related image of certain artists because it is in the Do not post lists. The filter doesn´t look that good, much less with the show vectors (surprisingly enough it doesn´t manage to ruin Amore completely). Applying it directly without much thought will lead to....well, those edgy results. That CMC pic describes how fitting that filter is for this franchise.

>Those album covers look interesting... I almost feel a little inspired.
because that inversion or darkening of pictures can lead into results that don´t manage to get into that edgy point so clearly. In fact, that dark element might end being edgy bait but it may not transmit at its core those thoughts.
Everything that is dark gets to be called edgy these days. I don´t find that reductionism really healthy for establishing a critique on something that doesn´t scream flowery stuff.

>I just think it was a little smoother.
I cannot deny that
>it is being overspammed right now so it could be a bad choice to make anything as it may age quite poorly in my opinion
yeah, the 80s especially the pixelart trend on Instagram and indie games, kinds of makes the formula somewhat tiring. The 80s has been thrown to this geenration in a nostalgic way just reminding about the generic part of it. I do love the underground music scenes of that decade though. But definitely, the imagery of futurism and 8 bit material has already pleased a lot of normies.

>with your taste in chaotic avant-garde music and for me randomness causing the /end/ to become on drugs
I hope you don´t ever come across to listening to dreamy music because that would be like spreading your wings into a distorted rainbow. About the avant-garde part, I don´t listen to it as much as /mu/ elitists (in fact, I only have listened to Confusion is Sex and I still prefer Bad Moon Rising)but I do enjoy certain amounts of experimentation. All music has been invented since decades ago but yeah, I posted them to give you a vision that bands with certain popularity show around their material.

>maybe we should fuse the styles together. and BO could join in with a style too and have something truly interesting.

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