Anon 01/16/2019 (Wed) 08:10:27 No.3233 del
(31.36 KB 1400x1409 InvertMe.jpg)
>Meh, maybe. No guarantees. Would probably consist 90% of correcting grammatical and "shouldn't it be written in X way" syntactical errors though
Not something you have ta do unless ya want too Oh man, I bet I will do pretty poorly

>It's celebrated here as well.

Actually had a conversation where this turned up recently, though it be a bit esoteric to explain.

>the problem as opposed to last year is that I am a bit saturated with irl stuff and I barely feel like shitposting all that much. Those periods come and go and I still have a fic left to finish. There are several paths that I can take but as for, it´s in the standby mode.
Keep things in standby for as long as ya need it too. Let yourself get a feel for the year and get adjusted if that's possible It's not like there is a rush. My fic is in a pretty wonky state anyway too. But not dead

> obviously, it´s not the homeland of that festivity. But still, I believe that may come from because you are close to Mexico and there are a few people that celebrate it as if they did it in their country.
There is some who actually been pushing it in my local area recently, but my family's was indeed past down.

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